Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kien's Big Boy Underwear

Kien is so proud of his big boy underwear, even if they are backwards & inside out.  He loves dressing himself & when I told him that I was gonna take his picture he started posing.  He is so much fun!!

Ashlee's Wedding Party

Ashlee's wedding party was fun to do!! Everyone was very nice and Ashlee the bride was so sweet & calm for it to be her wedding day.  My friend Adina came to help me with the wedding party.  Breakfast was set up for the girls to sit and relax and eat before they got prettied up.

My friend Lisa's B. Day

I took my friend lisa to lunch for her birthday to my favorite steak house in Oregon, Ohio it's called Cousino's Steak house.  She turned 30 and I missed her birthday party because I had to work doing hair for a wedding party.  She loved the food there and we had a great time catching up on everything.  Happy Birthday Lisa!

Talladega Nights

I was getting Kien ready for bed when I hear Gerad come in from work.  He had brought home a Talladega Pace Car to show Kien and take him riding around in.  Needless to say we didn't get him to bed for hours afterwards but he really enjoyed it &  so did the neighbors

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Last night Kien took me out to eat for Mother's day and we went to Chili's. Kien was very good at the restaurant (I can't say that all the time). The food was great and of course Kien wanted our food and not his when it came out. This happens all the time now, so he sat and ate our salad's and we ate his Cheeseburger. I had given him a new hair cut a couple days ago and he looks so much older. It makes me so sad to cut his hair like a big boy, but he really needed it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Back: left to right Layton & my sister Dynah Middle: left to right Kendall, William, Landen, Kien Front: left to right Camden, Morgan, Presley, Teegan Front: Madilyn and Torran (on the floor - you can't see him)
Kien blowing out his candles with Presley's help

Kien's Cake that the Zoo made (it was very good)

Hope the Hippo

Kien's "3rd" Birthday!

Kien Celebrated his "3rd" birthday at the Toledo Zoo. He had a small birthday party in the party room and it was a lot of fun. The Zoo supplied everything and did all the clean up so it was really easy on Gerad and I. The kids had a lot of fun with Hope the Hippo (the Zoo's mascot) and riding the train through Africa and the Carousel. When we were leaving the Zoo Kien looked up at my husband and said "Hey daddy I loved my birthday and it was so much fun with my friends".