Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kien's Pool Party

Logan, Presley, Landen & Kien

Kien & Presley

Kien had a pool party on August 8th.  It was a very cloudy day, but we had no rain so the party went on!  Kien made up his on menu which was:  Hot dogs, chips, popcorn, pasta salad (he would eat that all day long if I would let him) cupcakes & lemnonade.  
The kids that were able to come were:  Landen & Presley Riggs, Kendall & Camden Comer, Teegan & Torran Simmons, Kaley & Kelsey Stein, Halle & Chloe Suydam, Kalee Roberts, Logan Amato & Madilyn Baird

Julie with Kaley & Kelsey & Kalee Roberts on the steps
Presley, Logan & Landen
Brenda w/ Halle, Krista & Kristi w/ Teegan
Kien's Menu

Halle & Chloe resting

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mom's Birthday/Turtle Cove

Presley, Kien & Landen

We went to Turtle Cove for mom's birthday and we had a great time.  Kien and I went and Nini brought Landen and Presley.  We played all day long and then later that night we took her out to her favorite steak house-Earl Cousio's. 
Kien & Presley
Kien & Mom @ the steak house

Kien Playing T-Ball

Kien did a lot better then I thought he would this year in t-ball.  I thought he would hold on to our legs and cry, but he didn't (well a couple times he did).  By the end of his games he had really come along way.  He loved being the catcher and loved hitting the ball, but running the bases and standing out in outfield was not his favorites.  He had just turned 3 when we signed him up so maybe next year he will have a much better understanding of the game.  He said "Next year I'm gonna hit the ball real hard and run real fast because I  will be a big boy".  I love that kid!
Kien catching & Gerad helping him
Kien's cousin Presley

Kien's friend Nick
Kien's Aunt Nini - his coach
Kien's Uncle Brad - his other coach (not his best side)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kien's First Sleepover

Kien, Landen & Presley
Kien had his cousin's Landen and Presley stay all night and it was his first sleepover.  It was during  our week of Vacation Bible School so they really tired and they didn't stay up as long as I thought they would.  The next morning the first thing they said was "ok now lets go swimming".  So at 7:45 a.m. we went while it was raining (it wasn't storming though) and went swimming.  I love those babies I guess I would do anything for them. 
Landen, Kien & Presley swimming in the rain
Landen being the nice big brother & helping Presley

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 3rd Party!

Gerad & Kien

Gerad & I had a 4th of July party on the 3rd.  We had lots of food, fireworks, family and friends.  We had a awesome night for the party it wasn't to hot, no rain and hardly no bugs - yeah!  This was the first year that Kien wasn't afraid of the fireworks and he just sat back and enjoyed them.  I got lots of pics of the kids playing they were all so cute and seemed like they  all had lots of fun but I didn't get to many pics of the adults - oh well!

Kien & Camden

Kien eating again

Krystal, Amanda & Brookelyn

Layton & Dynah (after he broke his tooth off when he fell - poor baby)

Kien swinging with his Papaw Rog

Kien bossing his daddy telling him to light the torches

Kendall Madison (happy birthday) was all decked out with her new outfit






Ethan, Malic and Jarran


Krystalin and Paxton

Rachel, Kim, Ericka, Katelyn & Amanda

Kim, Me & Kristi