Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kien Playing T-Ball

Kien did a lot better then I thought he would this year in t-ball.  I thought he would hold on to our legs and cry, but he didn't (well a couple times he did).  By the end of his games he had really come along way.  He loved being the catcher and loved hitting the ball, but running the bases and standing out in outfield was not his favorites.  He had just turned 3 when we signed him up so maybe next year he will have a much better understanding of the game.  He said "Next year I'm gonna hit the ball real hard and run real fast because I  will be a big boy".  I love that kid!
Kien catching & Gerad helping him
Kien's cousin Presley

Kien's friend Nick
Kien's Aunt Nini - his coach
Kien's Uncle Brad - his other coach (not his best side)

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