Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summertime in Tennessee

We went to Tennessee for my cousins Ryan's wedding we had lots of fun.  Gerad couldn't go so it was myself, Kien, my mom and on the way down my friend Shanna's son Noah.  Shanna lives in Tennesse now right by where my family is from so we met for dinner at a BBQ restaurant at Cove Lake it was wonderful food.
Meagan, Noah & AveryKien trying to feed Meagan

After we went to dinner we went back to the hotel and went swimming.  Then we sat at the Mountain outlook over Cove Lake - How beautiful!
My Mom & Aunt Nancy
Kien giving Aunt Nancy a heart attack climbing

Next day we went to the wedding.  It was so much fun and the Bride Hannah was so beautiful and everyone looked so good.  It was so nice to get to see all my family.
Cousin Ryan & his Beautiful bride Hannah
My Cousin Belinda (Ryan's mom)
My Cousin Tim (Ryan's uncle)
My cousin Shalynn (Ryan's sister)
Kien being crazy at the wedding - he had just poured his bubbles in his lemonade - yuck!
Mom & Aunt Nancy

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