Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tennessee on Norris Lake

I always spent a lot of my summers in Tennessee on Norris Lake with my family.  Gerad always spent his summers in Tennessee on Norris lake also - just different parts of the lake.  Some of my best memories are from Norris Lake.  We would stay on the lake day and night and sleep and eat in my aunt and uncle house boat.  The house boats down there look like real house sitting on the lake because they don't have waves like we do here in Michigan.  Below is a picture of the house boat we used stay on at night and play on during the day.  We did use a real boat to go out on the water and tube and waterski all day long.  Kien and I went with my family on the lake and Kien loved it just like I used to as a kid (well & still do). 

The House Boat
My Aunt Nancy who I stayed with in this time in Tennessee & it was her house boat we would always stay at.  She is such a great host and such a wonderful Aunt.  I love her!
The Boat Dock

Uncle Don's boat that Chris was driving.  There was so many of us that went out of the lake to play that it took 3 boats.
My Uncle Don's other boat

My Uncle Don putting Kien & Caleb in the wheel barrel to the boat I guess the kids had broke feet they couldn't walk. - poor kids they are so deprived!
Aunt Linda & Uncle James on their boat soaking up the rays.
Kien got brave and decided to jump off the boat and go in swimming (it was 98 degrees)
Clay,Cousin Caden & Kien
Cousin Brooklyn teaching Kien some new songs!
Uncle Don dragging Kien & Brooklyn around the lake by his feet.
Kien & Cousins Caden & Caleb tubbing together.  They did great they never fell off! Kien Loved it!
Me & Kien Tubbing! I was laughing so hard he thought I was crying!
Kien after a long fun day at the lake!!
This pic was taken on the way to the lake - how cute!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summertime in Tennessee

We went to Tennessee for my cousins Ryan's wedding we had lots of fun.  Gerad couldn't go so it was myself, Kien, my mom and on the way down my friend Shanna's son Noah.  Shanna lives in Tennesse now right by where my family is from so we met for dinner at a BBQ restaurant at Cove Lake it was wonderful food.
Meagan, Noah & AveryKien trying to feed Meagan

After we went to dinner we went back to the hotel and went swimming.  Then we sat at the Mountain outlook over Cove Lake - How beautiful!
My Mom & Aunt Nancy
Kien giving Aunt Nancy a heart attack climbing

Next day we went to the wedding.  It was so much fun and the Bride Hannah was so beautiful and everyone looked so good.  It was so nice to get to see all my family.
Cousin Ryan & his Beautiful bride Hannah
My Cousin Belinda (Ryan's mom)
My Cousin Tim (Ryan's uncle)
My cousin Shalynn (Ryan's sister)
Kien being crazy at the wedding - he had just poured his bubbles in his lemonade - yuck!
Mom & Aunt Nancy

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kien Learnig to ride a bike

Today Kien is learning to ride a bike.  I know he probably should already know how but we live in the country so just our driveway is concrete.   I don't let him play on our driveway  because people fly down our road. Rog and Chris (my inlaws) that live beside us got the driveway asphalted and so thats where he is riding his bike. They live far back so he has plenty of space to practice.  He got mad a few times and would knock the bike over and I would make him pick it back up and start over.  He said it would be better to just get behind the bike and push it. ha ha!  Rog and Chris (my inlaws) that live beside us got the driveway asphalted and so thats where he is riding his bike.  They live far back so he has plenty of space to practice.

Also today we had to go to my friend Kristi's son Brent's Graduation party and she lives in a subdivison with sidewalks.  Kien loved it he finally got the bike thing down pat - yeah!!  Kien had fun at the graduation party playing with Teegan and Torran.  Here is a picture of them using a nerf dart gun and shooting a target.
Kien shooting with Teegan and Torran

My friend Kristi at her son's graduation party.


Maggie & Kien getting ready for the buggy ride

Maggie & Kien with the horse named Bob

We went to Shipshewanna Flea Market and stayed all day. It was suppose to rain, but we lucked out and it was great weather. Kien got to tierd so at the end of the trip he was grumpy and hard to handle, but other than that it was a great day. Myself, Kien, My Mom, Sharron Lay And Maggie McGarry went. Maggie babysits for Kien - so Kien loves his Maggie and my Mom and Sharron spoils him rotten so all day long he got his way with everyone. He wanted this horse and buggy at the restaurant we ate at (the Blue gate) and it was glass because it was a tooth pick holder and he had to have so Sharron got it for him. We got out on the patio of the restaurant and he droped it and oh my he was devasted. All day long while we were at the Flea Market Kien kept saying "Hey, If I'm good can I go ride the horses"? so that's how we ended up on the Horse and buggy. Mom and Sharron passed on riding and went shopping. It was a fun day!!

My Mom and Sharron sitting and laughing about something probably me.

Memorial Weekend

Our annual cookout at Rog & Chris's house. Lots of great food and great company makes for a great day.

This year the weather was awesome and we had such a great time. I also was able to catch up with a close friend from high school Nicole. She is married to Gerad's cousin and it was great to see her and her daughter.

Kien stole a pop that he wasn't suppose to have.

 Kendal & Camden showing off the cute matching outfits! 
My friend Nicole that I got to catch up with
Brooklyn showing off her pretty in her hair
Crystal made me for my July 4th party

 Jen & JustinPhil & BrookelynKrystalNathanSondraJoshGerad & KienChris & Crystal