Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kien Learnig to ride a bike

Today Kien is learning to ride a bike.  I know he probably should already know how but we live in the country so just our driveway is concrete.   I don't let him play on our driveway  because people fly down our road. Rog and Chris (my inlaws) that live beside us got the driveway asphalted and so thats where he is riding his bike. They live far back so he has plenty of space to practice.  He got mad a few times and would knock the bike over and I would make him pick it back up and start over.  He said it would be better to just get behind the bike and push it. ha ha!  Rog and Chris (my inlaws) that live beside us got the driveway asphalted and so thats where he is riding his bike.  They live far back so he has plenty of space to practice.

Also today we had to go to my friend Kristi's son Brent's Graduation party and she lives in a subdivison with sidewalks.  Kien loved it he finally got the bike thing down pat - yeah!!  Kien had fun at the graduation party playing with Teegan and Torran.  Here is a picture of them using a nerf dart gun and shooting a target.
Kien shooting with Teegan and Torran

My friend Kristi at her son's graduation party.

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