Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tennessee on Norris Lake

I always spent a lot of my summers in Tennessee on Norris Lake with my family.  Gerad always spent his summers in Tennessee on Norris lake also - just different parts of the lake.  Some of my best memories are from Norris Lake.  We would stay on the lake day and night and sleep and eat in my aunt and uncle house boat.  The house boats down there look like real house sitting on the lake because they don't have waves like we do here in Michigan.  Below is a picture of the house boat we used stay on at night and play on during the day.  We did use a real boat to go out on the water and tube and waterski all day long.  Kien and I went with my family on the lake and Kien loved it just like I used to as a kid (well & still do). 

The House Boat
My Aunt Nancy who I stayed with in this time in Tennessee & it was her house boat we would always stay at.  She is such a great host and such a wonderful Aunt.  I love her!
The Boat Dock

Uncle Don's boat that Chris was driving.  There was so many of us that went out of the lake to play that it took 3 boats.
My Uncle Don's other boat

My Uncle Don putting Kien & Caleb in the wheel barrel to the boat I guess the kids had broke feet they couldn't walk. - poor kids they are so deprived!
Aunt Linda & Uncle James on their boat soaking up the rays.
Kien got brave and decided to jump off the boat and go in swimming (it was 98 degrees)
Clay,Cousin Caden & Kien
Cousin Brooklyn teaching Kien some new songs!
Uncle Don dragging Kien & Brooklyn around the lake by his feet.
Kien & Cousins Caden & Caleb tubbing together.  They did great they never fell off! Kien Loved it!
Me & Kien Tubbing! I was laughing so hard he thought I was crying!
Kien after a long fun day at the lake!!
This pic was taken on the way to the lake - how cute!

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