Saturday, June 5, 2010


Maggie & Kien getting ready for the buggy ride

Maggie & Kien with the horse named Bob

We went to Shipshewanna Flea Market and stayed all day. It was suppose to rain, but we lucked out and it was great weather. Kien got to tierd so at the end of the trip he was grumpy and hard to handle, but other than that it was a great day. Myself, Kien, My Mom, Sharron Lay And Maggie McGarry went. Maggie babysits for Kien - so Kien loves his Maggie and my Mom and Sharron spoils him rotten so all day long he got his way with everyone. He wanted this horse and buggy at the restaurant we ate at (the Blue gate) and it was glass because it was a tooth pick holder and he had to have so Sharron got it for him. We got out on the patio of the restaurant and he droped it and oh my he was devasted. All day long while we were at the Flea Market Kien kept saying "Hey, If I'm good can I go ride the horses"? so that's how we ended up on the Horse and buggy. Mom and Sharron passed on riding and went shopping. It was a fun day!!

My Mom and Sharron sitting and laughing about something probably me.

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